
Countdown to Fast Pain Relief

Countdown to Fast Pain Relief

All too familiar with pain? While that’s not necessarily a good thing, there is help.  When back or neck pain hits, we have three choices: ache, adapt or appointment.   It’s crazy to think about the amount of pain we will tolerate - not because we want to, but mostly...

3 Things You Need To Know About Dr. Fast

3 Things You Need To Know About Dr. Fast

Get to know Dr. Fast’s approach to chiropractic care and his philosophy toward helping patients.  Here’s what he has to say . . . What lifestyle changes/modifications do you recommend for a healthy back and neck?   I am strong proponent of exercise.  If patients are...

Don’t Shoulder the Burden Any Longer

Don’t Shoulder the Burden Any Longer

Most people don’t experience shoulder pain until their mid-30’s or 40’s - if they are lucky.  And most causes of shoulder pain can vary - old athletic injuries, mother’s and daycare workers carrying children all day, or laborers and construction workers engaging in...

A Guide to Restoration for Pain-Free Living

A Guide to Restoration for Pain-Free Living

Is there a wrong way to rest?  The answer is yes - especially when it’s painful. And we can’t just take a day off work every time we’re in pain, right?  For those who suffer from chronic pain, sleeping, sitting and even traveling can be can make for uncomfortable...

Harvest the Best in Belleville for Bone Health

Harvest the Best in Belleville for Bone Health

You may have seen news reports, fad diets or ads touting the health benefits of the latest super food — everything from slowing aging to promoting weight loss.  “Super” foods are good for your heart and your overall health when incorporated into a heart-healthy diet...

Patients Give 5 Stars to Dr. Fast

Patients Give 5 Stars to Dr. Fast

I have a confession - I never read the newspaper.  I’m certainly not proud, but it’s a fact. However, I happened to grab a paper while at a family dinner at my parents. As I glanced the stories and flipped the pages mindlessly, something caught my eye. An obnoxious...

The Right Choice for Fast Relief

The Right Choice for Fast Relief

Some people aren’t comfortable going to the doctor.  Maybe they’ve been lucky enough to stay healthy; or they don’t see the value in the preventative care modern medicine can provide.  Others may had bad experiences from the past prevents them from seeking proper...

Everything You Need to Know About Arthritis

Everything You Need to Know About Arthritis

Waking up in the morning is met with the usual stretch, yawn and snooze button.  But if you wake up with aches and pains, experience stiffness with each stretch and snoozing only prolongs the moments between getting your ibuprofen and feeling relief   . . . then you...

Reap the Benefits of your Labor with Dr. Fast

Reap the Benefits of your Labor with Dr. Fast

As the political year ramps up, stump speeches are in abundance and yards are filled with signs of party allegiance - affordable healthcare remains on top of the priority list for the American public.  However, “expense” is a relative term among Americans. Young...